Authors: Kaleb L. Briscoe, Ph.D. | Veronica A. Jones, Ph.D. | Deryl K. Hatch-Tocaimaza, Ph.D. | Eligio Martinez Jr., Ph.D.
In light of the barriers that Men of Color (MOC) face in higher education, many educators increasingly pursue Men of Color initiatives (MCIs) as a means to enhance their success (Harper et al., 2015; Keflezighi et al., 2016). Community college MCIs (CCMCIs) are especially of interest, as this sector of higher education continues to enroll disproportionate numbers of MOC (Wood et al., 2016). What goes unexamined is the nature of CCMCIs as products of individuals—CCMCI directors— who design, develop, and implement these programs within particular contexts. Therefore, we assert that by gaining knowledge on program conception through the experiences of CCMCI directors, the higher education community can learn more about the individual level of meaning making that shapes programs, resources, and institutional commitments.
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