Project MALES Graduate Assistant and Mentoring Site Coordinator Enrique Aguayo and Undergraduate Mentor Victoria Martinez were featured in a story by The Chronicle of Higher Education. The story highlights how Project MALES is working towards narrowing the performance gap by mentoring Latina/o undergraduate students, who in turn mentor middle and high school male students of color. Read Full Story here.
Getting At-Risk Students Into College Not Enough: TCC Focusing On Helping Them Graduate
A unique mentoring program at Tarrant County College campuses is proving that it’s not enough to just get minority and at risk students into college. Effort and attention has to be paid to helping them graduate. See full story here.
Middle School Mentoring Group giving back to their community neighbor.
On Saturday, February 14th, members of The Three Amigos Mentoring Society and the EPISD Project Male Program spent Valentines Day spreading kindness to Henderson Middle School’s neighbor, Mrs. Juanita Torres. See full press release here.
Mitchell, M., & Leachman, M. (2014). Changing Priorities: State Criminal Justice Reforms and Investments in Education. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 1-21.
My Brother’s Keeper 90-day Report
On Friday, May 30th, President Obama released the first 90-day report for My Brother’s Keeper. The report contains grim statistics about males of color and provides recommendations on how to reverse some of the trends. To read the full report visit Fact Sheet & Report: Opportunity for All: My Brother’s Keeper Blueprint for Action.
April’s White House Webinar Audio and Power Point Now Available!
You can now access the audio and power point online! To view more webinars hosted by the White House Initiative on Education Excellence for Hispanics click here.
Consortium featured in new articles in Texas Tribune & New York Times
Project MALES and the Texas Education Consortium for Male Students of Color were both featured in a recent article published in both the Texas Tribune and the New York Times (5/11/14). Also quoted was our executive director, Dr. Victor Saenz. Here’s a link to each article: Texas Tribune & New York Times
White House webinar on Latino males in Education
Dr. Victor Sáenz & Dr. Luis Ponjuan were the featured speakers for the April webinar hosted by the White House Initiative on Education Excellence for Hispanics. The topic focused on improving educational outcomes for Hispanic males, and it featured the work we are doing with Project MALES and the Texas Education Consortium for Male Students of Color. For more information about the webinar visit the web site for the White House Initiative or send an email to
El Paso ISD & Prairie View A&M University join Consortium (Spring 2014)
Texas A&M joins Consortium (North Dallas Gazette, Sept. 2013)
Texas schools join forces in bid to help minority males (Diverse Issues in Higher Education, August 2013)
Partnership to address low education completion of minority males (Austin American Statesman, August 2013)
Op-Ed piece that was featured in the Austin American Statesman (August 2013)
Texas A&M’s role in the Consortium (YouTube, August 2013)